Third cycle

Professional implementation


Professional solidification cycle that deepens knowledge and provides specialized tools. 

biodynamic therapist training

Third cycle

Professional implementation

Professional solidification cycle that deepens knowledge and provides specialized tools. 

Being a therapist and finding your personal practice, understanding therapeutic processes, refining diagnoses.

Structure of the third cycle 

Teaching takes place over 2 years within a specific group, which is renewed each year by half-section.

It comprises 14 courses of 3, 4, 5 and 7 days, including 2 winter courses of 4 days and 2 summer courses of 7 days, which provide an opportunity for all 2nd and 3rd cycle students to meet in the same place. These winter and summer courses must be residential. For other courses, free accommodation is recommended.

Like the second cycle, this one is available in Paris, Lyon or Montpellier.

Clinical practice

Clinical practice picks up pace with the resumption of the therapeutic chain and opportunities for practical school and first individual clients with follow-up supervision.


The third cycle introduces psychotherapeutic techniques that already require a solid grounding in the fundamentals of Biodynamics.

It strengthens each student's practice and knowledge, and emphasizes the development of each person's own therapeutic specificity.

- psycho-postural Deep Drainage treatment
- birth process
- positive reparenting, working with regression (dynamic, indications)
- work on symbolism and dreams
- research on symbols
- deepening work in vegetotherapy
- Gestalt work with "the hero's journey"
- refining the diagnosis
- the therapeutic project
- the different phases of therapy
- the therapist's place
- clinical psychology
- transference and the different phases of transference
- counter-transferenceand the therapist's shadow- supervision of clinical casestransference and the therapist's shadow
- supervision of clinical cases
- leading a bio-integration group
- developing therapeutic creativity and personal style
- ethics and deontology.

Written work and dissertation

- As in the second cycle, written reports on internships and round-table discussions will continue.

- A written exam at the end of the first year

- The dissertation: This is a piece of research that structures the learning and discoveries made during training. It includes a personal, theoretical and clinical section.

The dissertation evaluation committee is made up of Rosanna Blllota, Bruno Danjoux, Claudine Fresse, Dominique Gutierrez, Ljupco Kostadinovski, François and Christiane LewIn, Philippe Maffre, Sylvie Soler and Isabelle Vercherat.


The defense of his thesis at the end of the third cycle gives access to the Certificate of “psycho-corporeal therapist in Biodynamic Psychology”.

The trainers

Discover the School's International and Francophone Team

Registration conditions

Accessible to students or therapists who have completed the 2nd cycle after approval by the School. They must :

- commit to the entire cycle: 58 days over 2 years

- personal therapy throughout the course

- pay for the training cycle in full or in instalments

- come regularly to supervise customers.